

CurePharmtech Co., Ltd. Received the Minister of Science and ICT Award at the ‘2023 Korea Invention Patent Exhibition’

7 Nov 2023
Views 217

[Edaily Reporter Lee Yoon-jeong] Cure Pharmtech Co., Ltd. announced on the 4th that it won the gold medal at the 2023 Korea Invention Patent Competition.

(Photo = Cure Farmtech)

The patented product awarded is an aesthetics lifting thread made from filler ingredients. It is a functional suture called 'DDSLINE' that has both lifting and filler effects at the same time by containing functional substances such as HA or PDRN, which are filler ingredients, inside the existing lifting thread. Cure Pharmtech Co., Ltd. has already launched ‘LIFLER’, a finished aesthetics product, using the patented material.

(Photo = Cure Farmtech)

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Cure Pharmtech Co., Ltd., which has grown by specializing in the production of absorbable suture since 2019, has been conducting research to utilize the characteristics of absorbable suture that is safely absorbed within the human body for a certain period of time. As a result, Cure Pharmtech Co., Ltd. has developed ‘DDSLINE’, a functional suture that releases functional substances in accordance with the retention period of the suture.
Daeyoung Kim, CEO of Cure Pharmtech Co., Ltd., said, “The newly developed ‘DDSLINE’ is a material that can be used as a drug delivery material, and we plan to develop various types of products in the future.” He added, “We have currently registered 5 domestic and foreign patents and are applying for more.”